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Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:45 am
by chrrox
Ok this is a guide to extract large encrypted cpk's.
Here is the files you need for shining resonance .
using hxd paste these un encrypted tables over the encrypted tables at these offsets

table 1 - 0x10 offset 0x360 is the length
table 2 0x810 offset 0x41F20 is the length
table 3 0x49010 offset 0x13100 is the length
table 4 0x129686010 offset 0xCA68 is the length

Make sure you use the 64 bit quickbms as this file is over 4gb

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:27 am
by ativsp
thanks! :)
I will try it.
And the tool for convert extracted file to 3d model format is already exist?

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 5:53 am
by systembest
You mean this offset

table1: offset start 000000010 length 000000360

table2: offset start 000000810 length 000041f20

table3: offset start 000049010 length 000013100

table4: offset start 129686010 length 00000CA68

cpk file is DRG_0000.cpk


paste like this?

and error occurred when using bms



and confirm bms file plz

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:56 am
by chrrox
Yes as long as you overwrite the data so the file size does not change.
I think i had to change the also try this one.

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:43 pm
by systembest

still display error.. :(

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 2:15 pm
by chrrox
How much ram do you have?
Did you download the latest quickbms?

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:53 pm
by systembest
I' m using 16gb ram and
latest version quick bms (0.6.1c)

I think something wrong with my cpk file or bms setting
cpk file size was not change.. (4,876,369kb)

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:10 pm
by chrrox
mabee you have a different version of the game.
I need to know the exact size of the cpk file in bytes using an hex editor.
I had someone else try this and it worked for them.

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:54 pm
by systembest
size 4.65gb (4,993,401,472 byte)

nothing change file size when using HxD

And chrrox which version use for extract?
this game available two version

chinese and japanese version exist

I have japanese version

I solve it !
the answer was chinese version
thanks for help chrrox :)

But stuck noesis to open mlx format :(
related link has all dead

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:20 pm
by RangerRus
BLJM61156 -> DRG_0000.CPK

Code: Select all

CRI CPK compressed pack main information

               1 = UpdateDateTime
           5f800 = ContentOffset
       1299a8000 = ContentSize
             800 = TocOffset
           41f50 = TocSize
       129a07800 = EtocOffset
            ca80 = EtocSize
           49000 = GtocOffset
           13118 = GtocSize
       2e659fcea = EnabledPackedSize
       29c6127ca = EnabledDataSize
            1941 = Files
               1 = Groups
               1 = Attrs
               7 = Version
               d = Revision
             800 = Align
               1 = Sorted
               1 = EnableFileName
               3 = CpkMode
             1ba = Tvers
               0 = Codec
               0 = DpkItoc
               0 = EnableTocCrc
               0 = EnableFileCrc
               0 = CrcMode
               0 = CrcTable

Tvers   = CPKMC2.47.00, DLL3.17.00

Anticollision: OFF
Safename: OFF

Current cpk TOC record structure:

[OFF]			DirName
[OFF]			UserString

TOC offset       800
TOC data offset  84b
TOC info offset  26663
TOC record size  18
TOC record size  18 (real)
TOC elements     7
TOC DynamicSize  2b
TOC DynamicSize  2b (real)

    1/ 6465: Size       90; ExtSize       90; Offset         e73e5000; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_000.NAD]
    2/ 6465: Size     1210; ExtSize     5fc0; Offset         e73e5800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_010.NAD]
    3/ 6465: Size     1110; ExtSize     5d30; Offset         e73e7000; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_011.NAD]
    4/ 6465: Size     1108; ExtSize     5c80; Offset         e73e8800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_012.NAD]
    5/ 6465: Size      588; ExtSize     1800; Offset         e73ea000; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_013.NAD]
    6/ 6465: Size     1a74; ExtSize     9900; Offset         e73ea800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_020.NAD]
    7/ 6465: Size     18f0; ExtSize     93a0; Offset         e73ec800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_021.NAD]
    8/ 6465: Size     1b34; ExtSize     9ef0; Offset         e73ee800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_022.NAD]
    9/ 6465: Size      ca4; ExtSize     44a0; Offset         e73f0800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_023.NAD]
   10/ 6465: Size     1754; ExtSize     7c00; Offset         e73f1800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_030.NAD]
   11/ 6465: Size     13dc; ExtSize     6b50; Offset         e73f3000; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_031.NAD]
   12/ 6465: Size     165c; ExtSize     7920; Offset         e73f4800; [DRG_0000/AI_UNIT_00_032.NAD]

Necessity for anticollision = NO
Necessity for safename      = NO
Nothing interesting in those *.cpk samples.

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:14 am
by lovemarin
chrrox wrote:Ok this is a guide to extract large encrypted cpk's.
Here is the files you need for shining resonance .
using hxd paste these un encrypted tables over the encrypted tables at these offsets

table 1 - 0x10 offset 0x360 is the length
table 2 0x810 offset 0x41F20 is the length
table 3 0x49010 offset 0x13100 is the length
table 4 0x129686010 offset 0xCA68 is the length

Make sure you use the 64 bit quickbms as this file is over 4gb

I got MLX files, but don't know how to extrcat these files or load them within Noesis further. seems useful links and related tools are all invalid. Could you do me a favor please? [roll]maybe I need some kind of plugin. Thanks!

Re: Shining Resonance (PS3) CPK

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:52 pm
by Sharppy
Can anyone tell me where to find this Asia .CPK file ?