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Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:27 pm
by morbidslinky
CantStoptheBipBop wrote:So progress update I guess.

that looks like a lot of fun lol. The cardboard box might have similar parameters for sliding. That might be fun to mess with too.

For me, I've completely populated Afghanistan with more animals. Tex, if you're out there, do you know how to widen the coordinates of the spawn points? like spawning animals farther away from waterway_I. Also, if you were working on something similar, you should publish it anyways. The modding scene is dead enough already, and your's is probably better than mine.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:27 pm
by Tex
Nice work.

Do you mean keys for completely new entries? or for the recent 'new' ones referenced from EquipDevelopSettings?

For the latter I just scraped all the lua files for strings, ugly but does the job.
Heres an updated scrape:!bc9hUKaA!4mWVYc1kDFZg ... faQizy97Qo
morbidslinky wrote: For me, I've completely populated Afghanistan with more animals. Tex, if you're out there, do you know how to widen the coordinates of the spawn points? like spawning animals farther away from waterway_I. Also, if you were working on something similar, you should publish it anyways. The modding scene is dead enough already, and your's is probably better than mine.
I've only increased the counts on existing locators, and haven't added any new ones.
You need to edit all the fox2s in \chunk1_dat\Assets\tpp\pack\mission2\animal\*\*.fpkd since each fpk is loaded/unloaded for its area

Edit: Have a look at infinite heavens InfLang.lua cpNames.afgh.eng / cpNames.mafr.eng tables to get a rough idea of what the areas are.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:54 am
by morbidslinky
Tex wrote: Edit: Have a look at infinite heavens InfLang.lua cpNames.afgh.eng / cpNames.mafr.eng tables to get a rough idea of what the areas are.
I see. One more thing, if I could trouble you for some more advice =P

buried deep in the game files, chunk2_dat\Assets\tpp\pack\location\afgh\pack_common\afgh_script_fpkd\Assets\tpp\script\location\afgh, there's a script titled afgh_animal. ... sp=sharing

In this lua, it mentions animal groupNumbers, corresponding to the areas where the animals spawn. I assumed these were the number of locators in each area, however these numbers don't need to be changed in order for me to add more locators. Plus, the numbers don't always correspond exactly to the # of locators. Do you have a guess as to what these are? Maybe they're just rough estimates.

Additionally, in the afgh_animal.animalAreaSetting, there are loadAreas and activeAreas, followed by 4 numbers. These must be some sort of coordinate system that loads and unloads the animal's fpk files, right? Do you know what this coordinate system is? I'd like to expand these areas, so I can place locators in regions that aren't loaded by any of the fpk's.

If not, I won't worry about it. I'm decently satisfied with the current state of the mod.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 4:24 am
by CantStoptheBipBop
morbidslinky wrote: > GOTTA GO FAST

that looks like a lot of fun lol. The cardboard box might have similar parameters for sliding. That might be fun to mess with too.
I was going to hold off on releasing anything until I get all of the vehicles tuned in a practical way, but now I want to release it under the name "Sonic '06 Simulator". But yeah it's tons of fun to mess with. Raising the engine torque on 4wds by around 2.5x seems to be fast enough since moving too quickly between load areas may cause load/save hangs. Fun fact: a goat running into the vehicle with a mass of two will send you flying across the map.

I'm not sure what can be done with the boxes though. I checked col_common_tpp.fpkd and they don't have a .ph file, nor any relevant properties to change. It might be possible but I can't think of a way to go about it without using cheat engine to try changing its behavior in the exe.
Tex wrote: For the latter I just scraped all the lua files for strings, ugly but does the job.
Heres an updated scrape:!bc9hUKaA!4mWVYc1kDFZg ... faQizy97Qo
Cool, thanks man. That eliminates some guess work when reading files.

I meant adding entries to the dictionary. I just manually copy pasted the swimsuit description and name langIds from DevConst into the dictionary. What I was wondering is if there was something else I had to do with it to make it work properly, since it doesn't unpack correctly when I append stuff to its dictionary.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:41 am
by Tex
morbidslinky wrote:groupNumbers
groupNumber is used by TppAnimalBlock.lua as the number of groups/locators of that animal type in the area. As you know each locator can be a group of animals (of one type).
Apart from managing the loading/unloading of the animal area fpks; TppAnimalBlock is mostly used to assign the routes that were designed for the group.
So in theory they should match the number of locators.
Also I don't think modifying these will achieve much since it will just point to routes that don't exist.
(my kingdom for a route file editor).
So a question is how they behave if they aren't assigned a route, I'm guessing they have some default AI, you'd actually know better than me, as said, I didn't get around to adding new locators. You mentioned they seem fine, I suppose they just mill about within their radius parameter?
morbidslinky wrote:Additionally, in the afgh_animal.animalAreaSetting, there are loadAreas and activeAreas, followed by 4 numbers. These must be some sort of coordinate system that loads and unloads the animal's fpk files, right? Do you know what this coordinate system is? I'd like to expand these areas, so I can place locators in regions that aren't loaded by any of the fpk's.
Ah OK, I wasn't quite following you in the last question, hadn't thought about the area coverage.

You've got it mostly understood, but for posterity:
You can see animalAreaSetting loadArea/activeArea also referenced in TppAnimalBlock
Its the extents of the area in 'small block' indices. Ie taking the whole map from a top-down perspective it's reduced to blocks indexed by x/y.
If I'm reading Tpp.CheckBlockArea correctly, origin is bottom left, area extents are xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax
I'm not sure what the block division to world units is though.
loadArea is the extents where it loads/unloads the fpk, activeArea where it actually initializes stuff, in this case, as mentioned, setting routes.
Looks like they have activeArea extents being one block smaller than its loadArea

So I guess you can just try bumping up the extents, and either manually, or using Tpp.CheckBlockArea make sure they don't overlap since the system was designed for one animal module loaded at a time.

I'll release my updated deminified luas after my next IH release since I've done a bunch in respect to the above. I might throw in some debug printing stuff for blocks.
CantStoptheBipBop wrote: I meant adding entries to the dictionary. I just manually copy pasted the swimsuit description and name langIds from DevConst into the dictionary. What I was wondering is if there was something else I had to do with it to make it work properly, since it doesn't unpack correctly when I append stuff to its dictionary.
The scraper is basically doing the same thing, so I don't know what's up with that.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:43 pm
by morbidslinky
Tex wrote:You mentioned they seem fine, I suppose they just mill about within their radius parameter?
That's basically it. Although, I've noticed a behavior where distant groups of goats and bears will travel beyond their radii in order to hang out with other packs. probably another default behavior.

Thanks for the explanations, btw! quality stuff

So this is a little weird, apparently TPP specifically crashes when there's more than 6 wolves in a given area, but only when helicopter patrols are toggled on in free-roam with IH, even if it's just one helicopter. I'll just release a helicopter compatible version lol

PS3 vs PC ~ Big vs Little Endian

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:43 am
by Paul44
I'm still trying to convert the DLC weapons from PS3, but the FMDL files show a major 'stop' sign.
If anyone with experience in the field could give me some guidance, that would be highly appreciated...

As an example : [ ]... (anything before this part, I seem to be able to handle)
If you can help, I can provide ample ps3~pc files.

thx in advance.

ps: I wrote a little batchfile to convert 2/4/8-byte pairs in a file (using SFK). let me know if you're interested.

@nasanhak: unfortunately, that is not the case. A good example is the DLC suit (w/ Black Ocelot). But I did use many PC analogue files, and then had those hexedit-ed to refer to the correct files.

In relation to this: I have converted all shields but was never happy with the Gold/Silver ones (the other 2 are perfect). Based on my current "hex_edit" experience, I tried those again (with small edits). The results: [ ].
As you will notice, the shields show up perfectly while in the helicopter, but in-mission, not so much (in fact, the silver shield is no way near silver...).
ps: you get the same 'in-field' result while viewing during equipment (pre-mission)

Anyone could tell me which files are used in-field (vs helicopter/ACC based); just to narrow down my research?

If you need more info/files, just ask...

Re: PS3 vs PC ~ Big vs Little Endian

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:22 am
by nasanhak
Paul44 wrote:I'm still trying to convert the DLC weapons from PS3, but the FMDL files show a major 'stop' sign.
If anyone with experience in the field could give me some guidance, that would be highly appreciated...
If the definitive edition on Steam actually has all the PS/Xbox DLC files like the advertising suggests, then you'll have an easier time

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 2:09 am
by morbidslinky
Also I don't think modifying these will achieve much since it will just point to routes that don't exist.
(my kingdom for a route file editor).
Isn't the route information in the .frt files? Maybe we could ask Atvaark to add .frt functionality to his FoxTool...?

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:43 am
by Tex
morbidslinky wrote: Isn't the route information in the .frt files? Maybe we could ask Atvaark to add .frt functionality to his FoxTool...?
I asked back in April, viewtopic.php?f=10&t=12407&p=117650#p117650
Given that Atvaark had mostly moved on from MGSV back in November I'm not hopeful lol.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:23 am
by morbidslinky
Tex wrote: I asked back in April, viewtopic.php?f=10&t=12407&p=117650#p117650
Given that Atvaark had mostly moved on from MGSV back in November I'm not hopeful lol.
Perhaps if I ask nicely he'll do it =P I might commission it, if he doesn't want to do it for free.

on another note, I'm trying to change donkeys into okapis for a specific area. I edited the fpk, fpkd and pfxs to look the same as an okapi area, however, the game crashes when the area loads. I'm probably overlooking something obvious, so do you have any ideas?

Here's a link to the fpk, fpkd and pftxs I edited. The location is in the jungle area, south of Code Talker's mansion. ... sp=sharing

In any case, the Africa animal mod is pretty much finished. woo.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:01 am
by nasanhak
morbidslinky wrote:I gave the .fsm files a listen. From what I can hear of the sounds, they're the beginning of cutscenes. You can hear almost entire cutscenes in some instances, but only from very short cutscenes.
I didn't hear the Sortie Prep music like I had hoped, but I did hear the opening to Sins of the Father and The Man Who Sold The World. Those two were used in intros and outros in parts of the game. It's possible that the Sortie Prep music is in the .fsm, but I'd need to hear more of the sound file in order to be sure. In any case, I think I'm done trying to dig up that Peace Walker theme. Thanks for the pointers, mates.
Check radio_all.sbp - File0071 - Sortie Prep music

*BUT* it has a lot of static on it so not sure if it's the exact same track or not.

radio_all.sbp seems to contain all the radio tracks(which is what I was looking into ripping) except Sins of a Father and The Man Who Sold The World. Don't know where those two are. Still haven't found the Peace Walker theme

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:55 am
by morbidslinky
nasanhak wrote:Check radio_all.sbp - File0071 - Sortie Prep music
Nah, that's not it. that track's used for Shining Lights, Even in Death. It can also play in quiet's cell, but it's not the sortie prep music. I found the peace walker theme in two other places as well, but they were for other parts of the game, not the sortie prep music.

I appreciate you looking into it, though. I think it's a lost cause IMO, I spent hours listening through those files, with no luck.

On an unrelated note - After I finished adding more animals, I was hoping to add more vehicles to free roam. Places like the airport has an entire parking lot, but only one car, which makes the area feel very deserted. However, I had to stop myself, I still need to find a job IRL haha. I'll have to revisit it.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 11:40 am
by nasanhak
morbidslinky wrote:
nasanhak wrote:Check radio_all.sbp - File0071 - Sortie Prep music
Nah, that's not it. that track's used for Shining Lights, Even in Death. It can also play in quiet's cell, but it's not the sortie prep music. I found the peace walker theme in two other places as well, but they were for other parts of the game, not the sortie prep music.

I appreciate you looking into it, though. I think it's a lost cause IMO, I spent hours listening through those files, with no luck.

On an unrelated note - After I finished adding more animals, I was hoping to add more vehicles to free roam. Places like the airport has an entire parking lot, but only one car, which makes the area feel very deserted. However, I had to stop myself, I still need to find a job IRL haha. I'll have to revisit it.
Am sorry slinky, I can't help myself:

viewtopic.php?p=66311#p66311 ... =364941272 ... =400150988

Check the xentax forum on how to convert .wem to .ogg - use the method while it still works. Audio quality isn't that great ~130kbps but still. The first steam guide will show you how to convert any .wav file to .wem. Second one is on adding additional tracks to the game.

Peace Walker theme:
Sortie screen(I think): tp_bgm_02_03.wem
Radio tape: tp_bgm_11_31.wem

The Man Who Sold The World - tp_bgm_11_32.wem
Sins of the Father - tp_bgm_11_33.wem

Cross reference with tpp_cassette.eng.lng2 for an easier time.

As a bonus - GZ's music .wem files (I think all) are already included under that folder! Plus all TPP's cassettes.

Am going to leave the task of trying to mod bgm to you good sir.

PS: Get a job first, I mean that with the best possible intent. This game's modding scene isn't going anywhere.

Re: Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain g0s archiv

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:33 am
by morbidslinky
m8, I made that custom music tool for ground zeroes. They mentioned me in the first lines.
Peace Walker theme:
Sortie screen(I think): tp_bgm_02_03.wem
Radio tape: tp_bgm_11_31.wem
tp_bgm_02_03.wem is one of GZ's music files, it's not used in TPP.
tp_bgm_11_31.wem is the cassette tape's music file, which unfortunately isn't the same file as the Sortie Prep music.

the sortie prep music is hidden somewhere else in the game files.