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XBM 360 model file

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:52 am
by JohnHudeski
I usually don't do this but I am having a very slow brain day.
Please can anyone guide my mind into figuring out the rest of this structure

Code: Select all

//Big Endian
struct KengoXBM
    struct Header
        uint ID;
        uint unkn0;
        uint otherCount; //mesh? group?
        uint shapeCount;
//------------Line 2---------------
        uint unk1;
        uint unk2; //"Points" to address of first item. always 80
        uint addrs[12];
        uint addr;//Seems like a special section
        uint unkn3; //not 1

    struct Other
        char name[32];
        char data[160];

    struct Shape
        char name[32];
        float matrix1[16];
        float chnk0[32]; //Vertices?
        char data[320];

    //Unknown chunks
    char un02[header.addrs[3]-header.addrs[2]];
    char un03[header.addrs[4]-header.addrs[3]];
    char un04[header.addrs[5]-header.addrs[4]];
    char un05[header.addrs[6]-header.addrs[5]];
    char un06[header.addrs[7]-header.addrs[6]];
    char un07[header.addrs[8]-header.addrs[7]];
    char un08[header.addrs[9]-header.addrs[8]];
    char un09[header.addrs[10]-header.addrs[9]];
    char un10[header.addrs[11]];
    char un11[header.addr-(header.addrs[11]+header.addrs[10])];
    //char un12[addrs[3]-addrs[2]];
    struct Unkn_str
        uint one; //usually
        uint size;
        uint pad[6]; //usually zero
    char un12[unknStr.size];
    char remnants[32];

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:50 am
by JohnHudeski
I have updated the structure
Thanks to all who downloaded

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:42 am
by JohnHudeski

Code: Select all

//Big endian
struct KengoXBM
    struct Header
        uint ID;
        uint unkn0;
        uint otherCount; //mesh? group?
        uint shapeCount;
//------------Line 2---------------
        uint unk1;
        uint unk2; //"Points" to address of first item. always 80
        uint addrs[12];
        uint addr;//Seems like a special section
        uint unkn3; //not 1

    struct Other
        char name[32];
        int unkn[8];
        char data[128];

    struct Shape
        char name[32];
        float matrix1[16];
        float chnk0[32]; //Vertices?
        float chnk1[4];
        int chunk2[12];
        struct ShapeChunk
            int i0;
            int i1;
            int i2;
            int i3;
            int i4;
            int i5; //Constant -65536
            int i6;
            int i7; //268435554, 268435746, 268435458
        int addr[7];
        int chunk3[33];

    //Unknown chunks
    char un02[header.addrs[3]-header.addrs[2]]; //This is a structure of some sort
    char un03[header.addrs[4]-header.addrs[3]]; //shape related
    //shape related
    // 0 - might be an id/int or 2 shorts
    float un04[(header.addrs[5]-header.addrs[4])/4]; 
    float un05[(header.addrs[6]-header.addrs[5])/4]; 
    float un06[(header.addrs[7]-header.addrs[6])/4];  //shape related
    float un07[(header.addrs[8]-header.addrs[7])/4];  //shape related
    float un08[(header.addrs[9]-header.addrs[8])/4];  //shape related
    float un09[(header.addrs[10]-header.addrs[9])/4];  //shape related
    char un10[header.addrs[11]];
    char un11[header.addr-(header.addrs[11]+header.addrs[10])];
    //char un12[addrs[3]-addrs[2]];
    struct Unkn_str //un12's header
        uint one; //usually
        uint size;
        uint pad[6]; //usually zero
    char un12[unknStr.size];
    //char remnants[32];

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:32 pm
by shakotay2
why do u think .XBM is a model file?
For me it looks like a material file ("Xbox 360 Shader Compiler")

(while matWVPVS could be the abbreviation for "matrix World view projection" for example)
VS= VertexShader

I would search for such structures:
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 Light : TEXCOORD1;
float3 View : TEXCOORD2;

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:54 pm
by JohnHudeski
I believe it is a large container file with model and shader
Also in the game there are only 6 file type
And I have figure out every other one
Shaders are in a different file

Code: Select all

struct Shape
        char name[32];
        float matrix1[16];
        float chnk0[32]; //Bounding box??
        float chnk1[4];
        int chunk2[12];
        struct ShapeChunk
            int i0;
            int i1;
            int i2;
            int i3;
            int i4;
            int i5; //Constant -65536
            int i6;
            int i7; //268435554, 268435746, 268435458
        //0 = -1s (random stuff)
        //1 = vertices floats
        //2 = Draw order? faces? shorts?
        //3 = addr in un02 header->(count,size,0,count)?
        //------------below are weird ints at the bottom of un03
        //4 =
        //5 =
        //6 =
        int addr[7];
        int chunk3[33];
//addr[3-6] points to what seems like vertex, normal etc.. I cant figure out size yet

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:58 am
by JohnHudeski

So my guess was right to an extent
As you can see from the image I was able to read the bounding box and the object itself

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 8:01 am
by JohnHudeski
The biggest problem was making sense of the triangles
There are many duplicate vertices (uses 24 vertices where 8 would suffice)
I haven't manually rendered an object since 2009 so this is insane to me
basically there is an chunk with vertex indices (shorts) that read in 4s (quads)
n-3,n-2,n-1, -1

Where n is the number of vertices

This would be a nightmare for non primitive objects

I did the rendering in unity3d and I had to modify things manually cos i could not make sense of this (triangle strip?)

Anyone willing to educate me?

Sorry! I'm an idiot Just remember Line and triangle strips

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 9:10 am
by JohnHudeski
So this is what is looks like
I the object was called Magic Box and existed in a folder called effects
I can only imagine this is the reason for so many verts that cross each other inside the mesh
I have also figure out how to automate the data reading
All I need now is u,v and normals

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:59 pm
by JohnHudeski
Why would a vertex weight come in x,y,z format and not just 1 floating point value per bone?

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:16 am
by JohnHudeski
Got everything but UVs

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 2:42 pm
by JohnHudeski
So I think I found the UV coordinates
Basically the only file section i havent touched so far.
And to my surprise it is something unreal

I think the uv's are stored as halves or shorts or am I Nuts?
Or maybe they aren't even uvs

Only files with textures have this section with data other than 0xFFFF

Code: Select all

struct SampleUV
    int pad0;
    hfloat a;
    hfloat b;
} ud[number of verts];

Re: XBM 360 model file

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:47 am
by JohnHudeski
I can't believe I am still stuck trying to figure out the UV for this game
I have Identified the data chunk but I still cannot understand how it is represented. It is really depressing