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Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:39 pm
by daemon1
bolvan wrote:I written my own ogg extraction utility in C and it does well against non-"stream" timpani banks.
Why making your own utilities when my utility extracts ALL banks, including stream, and non-stream?

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:41 pm
by daemon1
daemon1 wrote:bitsquid_timpani [bank file name] [stream file name]

Audio bank unpacker for other games. It requires stream name too. If there's no stream for some particular bank, just type anything you want for second parameter. If you run it with 1 parameter, the result is unpredictable. If the stream will not be present, it will work, but files may be cut, having only some first seconds of sound.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:53 pm
by bolvan
OK, i've got the idea. Seems like first 9 OggS chunks in extension-less file, rest is in stream.
I successfully extracted the music, thanx !
Your utilities work well if run correctly but miss help text and crash if anything is wrong.
So i didnt realize everything first and did some own job. It took not too long, no problem.
My prog is able to search any binary, find music files there and extract them. May be if I find some unknown container it will be helpful.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 8:05 pm
by qwerty0ytrewq
Any ideas on the model files format? Textures are plain DDS, but what's about models? I'd like to use these as placeholder models in Unity3D.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:09 pm
by Kathie
bolvan wrote:OK, i've got the idea. Seems like first 9 OggS chunks in extension-less file, rest is in stream.
I successfully extracted the music, thanx !
Your utilities work well if run correctly but miss help text and crash if anything is wrong.
So i didnt realize everything first and did some own job. It took not too long, no problem.
My prog is able to search any binary, find music files there and extract them. May be if I find some unknown container it will be helpful.
Is there any chance you can share your prog? Cause i seems to not get how to use that "bitsquid", all i get after some hours is a bit of chunks like choped 11 oggs (some of them didn't even open), and 2 wavs. And that's it. Damn i wish there were atleast one good help post on how to manage it.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:13 pm
by daemon1
Kathie wrote:all i get after some hours is a bit of chunks like choped 11 oggs (some of them didn't even open), and 2 wavs. And that's it.
What game you extracting?

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:03 pm
by Fyren
daemon1 wrote:The latest version of all tools. Tested on Showdown Effect demo, Gauntlet, Wizard Wars, Helldivers. May also work with other Bitsquid games and also the new Autodesk Stingray Engine games like Warhammer: End Times.
daemon1, thanks for making this tool. Is there any chance of a Linux version or possibly providing the source so I can try porting it myself?

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 4:52 pm
by daemon1
Fyren wrote:
daemon1 wrote:The latest version of all tools. Tested on Showdown Effect demo, Gauntlet, Wizard Wars, Helldivers. May also work with other Bitsquid games and also the new Autodesk Stingray Engine games like Warhammer: End Times.
daemon1, thanks for making this tool. Is there any chance of a Linux version or possibly providing the source so I can try porting it myself?
check your PM

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:17 pm
by MatiasGray
Daemon1, thank you for unpacker, great work!
I managed to extract some files:
Anyone knows how to open they? I tried Autodesk Stingray and don't succeed. I want to get 3d models from Helldivers for printing.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:46 pm
by Luriam
I'm sorry for necroing this thread, but I was wondering if anyone here can extract the sounds from this particular .stream file.

And just like some other people pointed it out here on the forum, there's also a file with no extension, and a "patch_001" file - all with the same name. So I attached those too, just in case.

Thank you very much! And just in case anyone's wondering these come from a game called Vermintide 2.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 2:59 pm
by Doctor Loboto
Yeah, I'm looking to get the files out of Vermintide 2 as well. I have here some examples. They don't seem to work with the current version of the tools. Although the Steam version does grant you a 'modding tools' pack, there's nothing that seems to be able to extract them included, and most of the readme is just scripting mumbo-jumbo that is more about just writing scenarios rather than actual asset modding.

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:49 pm
by Doctor Loboto
Sorry, I did 'a dumb' and completely forgot to link the example files for Vermintide 2. Here they are! ...

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:44 am
by hoovytaurus
hey chums, was looking to extract Helldivers sound files and while i realize this is THE tool to do it with i'm not 100% on the process:

1. extract "File"s, inside are timpani_bank files
2. timpani_bank files basically point to the sound in the loose .stream files

there's a few steps missing, obviously.

1. how do i know which timpani_bank "points" to what .stream file? i got lucky and managed to get some random file just to test out but this obviously isn't sustainable
2. the result is a .wav with no name, just a random string. how do i get a usable filename, what's the process for that?

some misc questions:

1. is there a way to automate this for example with a .bat file? im too dumb to know how to say "file with no extension" for example :D

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:02 pm
by ZEFIR0011
the script doesnt working. Im put it in game files (content) Renamed to bitsquid_unp [038bbacc4ce89296] - start and nothing appears.
Can someone help me?

Re: Magicka 2/Wizard Wars, Showdown Effect, Gauntlet files

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:38 pm
by Zekfad
I've reversing Helldivers package and save file formats, save had some ambiguous paddings, but I was able to successfully dump and pack back modded save.
Package is modifiable as well, but I've found some interesting parts:
There are some "variants" of the textures, where there are multiple files in a single resource (meaning they have same path), I've not figured what flags in these variants mean.
Scripts are modifiable as well, but I haven't found good decompiler for LuaJIT that would produce more info, some slots are not decoded well.

I'm looking for someone to help me with remaining pieces.

I've published formats I was able to reverse for ImHex editor on my GH: save.hexpad, exploded_package.hexpat.