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PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:54 am
by tomatopasta
I view some 3D model online in nicovideo, and I got to download the model files, but it was in a odd format, and I can't seem to open it offline, however I can rip the model with tool like 3Dviaprntscrn or OGLE but I will also lost the shaders data and any 3D data, so I decide not to rip it, I will leave it here and hope someone can finally figure it out and eventually a viewer to view it offline.
here is the sample to download.
sample 1

sample 2:



the model look so good, but too bad I can't open it.!!

Re: PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:32 pm
by chrrox
Files are encrypted better off just using a 3d ripper like you did.

Re: PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:25 pm
by tomatopasta
chrrox wrote:Files are encrypted better off just using a 3d ripper like you did.
I appreciate your replies, I ripped the model off the web browser, and the end result are frustrating, it lost all those beautiful features of eye candy, and it will take tons of work to re-do those eye candy. so there is no way to find the key when it is still online? I think it is encrypted, but I can't find any clue about it.

Re: PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:28 pm
by chrrox
What did it loose?
you can't rip unity shaders.
all the textures are there.

Re: PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:33 pm
by tomatopasta
chrrox wrote:What did it loose?
you can't rip unity shaders.
all the textures are there.
I think everything is fine, but I'm not sure it has any data of a rigged model. no weights, no phys, no UV, it is frustrating.

Re: PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:48 pm
by chrrox
what ripper are you using?
If you use ninja ripper it will have everything the model has.
The only thing that would be missing is bones and 99% of these will not have those any way only the animated ones.

Re: PLG PLGX and XS3 format

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 6:09 am
by tomatopasta
chrrox wrote:what ripper are you using?
If you use ninja ripper it will have everything the model has.
The only thing that would be missing is bones and 99% of these will not have those any way only the animated ones.
I had not use ninja ripper yet, thx for the suggestion, I'll try it out to see and comment later, it sound great it can rip almost everything, I remember also there is once a ripper can rip bone and animation, but I can't remember it anymore.

The ninja ripper work, and also it return some errors, "OLE error 80020101" , I look at the files it ripped, it has texture with 1kB data, I believe it is fully ripped, and also it took a huge amount of memory to rip it, I don't have 3DSmax now to import it to check the model, do we have a blender plugin perhaps. :D