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Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:44 pm
by XpoZed
I'm starting this thread because there are few things changed in the third (and last) episode of the Deponia trilogy - Goodbye Deponia.

Originally the previous versions were using the following VIS3 file structure:

Code: Select all

DWORD data_offset;
DWORD size_packed; // if  size_packed != size_unpacked entry is packed
DWORD size_unpacked;
DWORD type; // 0x00000000 = OGG; 0x00000008 = PNG; 0x00000003 = XML; 0x00000012 = CXML
The structure now is the same, BUT this "type" value is now always 0, so all files are considered to be OGGs.
The file holding the texts is always the last one, so you will be interested in 00002172.ogg (it's around five megabytes).

Now, the previous versions were using a XML file (compressed (XML) or compressed in chunks (CXML)), but now there's something called VBIN.
It's actually a pretty simple file, with it's own structure:

Code: Select all

DWORD header;
DWORD unknown;
DWORD size_unpacked;
DWORD size_packed;
byte data[size_packed];
So to get the texts out, you need to uncompress the "data" according to the given sizes, using zlib (or equal).
The easiest way to do this is using PHP and since it's designed to dynamically allocate the space needed, open the file, get rid of the header, the unknown DWORD, and the two sizes (in other words, trim the first 16 bytes), so the only thing you will left in there is the data.

Then just extract it like so (CMD):
php -r "echo gzuncompress(file_get_contents('00002172.ogg'))"; > localization.bin
and you will get the localization file.

Unfortunately it's not a XML file anymore (maybe some sort of compiled XML), so you will need to either HEX edit the texts or make some additional parsing tool for easier editing.

To sum it up:
1. Use Unpakke to get the files out of data.vis
2. Do the VBIN decompression kung-fu
3. Edit the texts
4. Do step 3 in reverse (compress, add the header, the unknown dword and the two updated sizes according to your changes)
5. use Unpakke to pack back the data.vis

I've probably didn't explain that very good, but I think that will be useful information if someone have the time (and the skills) to make some sort of tool.

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:57 pm
by WRS
pm me a sample and we'll see what sort of format the xml is in :)

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:13 am
by warwar
I use 16HEX and found 00002172.ogg is the only one with VBIN header, so I follow your instructions, remove the first 16 bytes and use php to convert, but then I got error message and failed to get xml.
And I also got some files with RIFF header in the folder, if i unpack it again, it should be editable png file, so how can I unpack and convert this kind of files?

There is the 00002172.ogg

And there is the RIFF header file Smaple.


Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:36 am
by XpoZed
warwar wrote:I use 16HEX and found 00002172.ogg is the only one with VBIN header, so I follow your instructions, remove the first 16 bytes and use php to convert, but then I got error message and failed to get xml.
And I also got some files with RIFF header in the folder, if i unpack it again, it should be editable png file, so how can I unpack and convert this kind of files?

There is the 00002172.ogg

And there is the RIFF header file Smaple.

As i mention before, in this version they are no longer using XML, but something like compiled XML, so it's not ASCII file anymore.

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 12:39 am
by Starnova
Hi, can anyone help me to extract the txt?? I used "VISExt" to unpack de Data.vis, but is there any tool for the ogg!!? The Help will be extremly apreciated...

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:31 pm
by swuforce
This quickbms script can export some texts. Use both script on the ogg.
Some subtitles are embedded in the video files, which are mkv files. You can use MKVToolnix to edit them.

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:12 pm
by Beagle Boy
swuforce wrote:This quickbms script can export some texts. Use both script on the ogg.
Some subtitles are embedded in the video files, which are mkv files. You can use MKVToolnix to edit them.
First of all, thanks for the script.

But recently, Visionaire updated the game files, and now your script do'nt work properly.
Your tool uncompressed the file normally, but is no longer converting to clean text.

If you can update it, I would be grateful for that.
I added the new file for you analyse in this link: ... 000c3f.vbi

Thanks in advance.

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:02 am
by swuforce
Updated script. Try. Use both on the vbi file.

Re: Goodbye Deponia - Localisation hints

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:03 pm
by turusele
Beagle Boy wrote:
swuforce wrote:This quickbms script can export some texts. Use both script on the ogg.
Some subtitles are embedded in the video files, which are mkv files. You can use MKVToolnix to edit them.
First of all, thanks for the script.

But recently, Visionaire updated the game files, and now your script do'nt work properly.
Your tool uncompressed the file normally, but is no longer converting to clean text.

If you can update it, I would be grateful for that.
I added the new file for you analyse in this link: ... 000c3f.vbi

Thanks in advance.
how to extract this file?