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Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:51 pm
by cmr14
AceWell wrote:the vertex stride is stored 48 bytes before the vertex block starts
if the vertex stride changes in the same file it will be 44 bytes before that new vertex block starts
Thank you very much! I have progressed a lot with the extraction. This is an example of them:

Image Image
Image Image

I have managed to extract all the bike meses, all submeshes (without the LOD meshes) It took several days but I've got :wink:
I have also extracted other 3d models, I'm making much progress in this metod. Thank you very much for everything, you are helping me a lot. (shakotay2, daemon1 and AceWell) I love you guys!!!

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:23 pm
by cmr14
Hi all! I'm here again hehe
I've been working hard, extracting many models 3d but again I have a problem:
I have the model of the a car but I cant extract it.
I need to know how to differentiate a sequential or locked file, and then I need to know how to find the FVF Size and UV Pos (If the file is locked) If the file is sequential I think with the tutorial of Hex2obj I can find the startaddr 0x.
I have no problem searching face indices, face count and startaddr of vertices, the problem is what I say before.

The file of the car is here, if you want to help me: ... CAR050.rar

One last thing: How I can learn more about it? 3d models, hexadecimal editing, file types .. I want to learn more of this but I dont know what or where search info of this tipe of edition.. One more time, thanks!

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:24 pm
by Acewell
AceWell wrote:the vertex stride is stored 48 bytes before the vertex block starts
if the vertex stride changes in the same file it will be 44 bytes before that new vertex block starts
with your new sample this rule is not entirely accurate
the byte storing vertex stride value could be 44, 48, 52 or 56 bytes before the vertex block starts

to find vertex stride/FVF size it easy by looking for patterns on the right hand side column of the hex editor.
Locate a vertex block and find a symbol that repeats throughout the block, then select the range
from one to just before the other and record the length and test it as the column width to see if the data lines up
into a nice vertical pattern. :D

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:02 pm
by cmr14
AceWell wrote:with your new sample this rule is not entirely accurate
the byte storing vertex stride value could be 44, 48, 52 or 56 bytes before the vertex block starts

to find vertex stride/FVF size it easy by looking for patterns on the right hand side column of the hex editor.
Locate a vertex block and find a symbol that repeats throughout the block, then select the range
from one to just before the other and record the length and test it as the column width to see if the data lines up
into a nice vertical pattern. :D
Sorry but I didn't understand hardly anything about what you said xD
I searched vertex stride / FVF size but I have not found anything, I have found patterns: 32, 36, 96 but none works. You can give me the right dates to any mesh? This file type it's make me crazy and not know where to find the solution. The fail is that I do not understand what I'm doing, I need to know more about the type of files and editing but can not find how..

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:27 am
by daemon1
What is a "sequential or locked file" ?

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 9:12 am
by Acewell
cmr14 wrote:Sorry but I didn't understand hardly anything about what you said xD
Okay how about some images then :D

lets say you have a model file and you know nothing about it
1. first open it in a hex editor and scroll top to bottom to see if it has the data we need.
(that will require experience from doing and can't be taught)
so we did locate a vertex block as seen in image.
(i blurred out the left side because we don't need to look at that yet)

2. as i was scrolling up and down that vertex data a particular symbol jumped out at me.
this one < as seen where my cursor is and is circled yellow in the image along with others.

3. so we can clearly see this symbol repeats every other line, so select one and all the way to the byte before the next one.
you can see the length of this selection is 0x20 hexadecimal which is 32 decimal, or 32 bytes.

4. since the length was 32 bytes i will change the column width from 16 default to 32 to check for a found pattern.
i have outlined in yellow the vertical repeats and now we can see how some bytes form a perfect vertical pattern.
so in this case the vertex stride / FVF size is 32

i hope this helps! :D

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:08 pm
by shakotay2
cmr14 wrote:The fail is that I do not understand what I'm doing,
funny times to come!
And in opposition to what people told you you're training on the biggest models you could find, didn't you? :D - Have fun!
(And as I wrote it's not a good idea for beginners to start with "half float models".)

Anyway, here's the first submesh - looks funny, too. (Maybe try out 0x1EAC5 as a vertex start address; or 0x1EAC1 - then it looks like uvs, but probably is not, it's because the x coordinate is constant then.)
daemon1 wrote:What is a "sequential or locked file" ?
guess, he meant "blocked", that's how I called the modes in hex2obj

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:57 pm
by vandarel
Hello, what is that somebody can help me to take out the model 3d with this file please ? ... zZjMlcxdXM

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:44 am
by shakotay2
there's no way around trying to assemble the model for yourself:

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:43 am
by vandarel
Hello, thank you for your answer.
I have several .bin file, can being it is for it?

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:33 am
by dibe91
Hi! I'm trying to make a script to import the bones but I find it is unclear how the information. I leave the files: ... t_base.rar

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:31 pm
by shakotay2
there is no simple universal script for o3d skeletons, I fear.

Did you ever create/understand a maxscript for a simple skeleton?
If 'no', look here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=7337&p=91181&hilit ... nly#p91181

(TaylorMouse shows how to load Adria from Diablo III with skeleton and weights.)

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:35 pm
by dibe91
thank you very much! It was just one of the things I was looking for !! an outline! though perhaps I had found something similar, but this is what I wanted is fierce!

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:05 pm
by shakotay2
why do I feel you don't answer my questions?

To be honest I don't believe that you really tried to get a skeleton seriously.
Did you ever create a maxscript for a simple skeleton? Guess, you did not.

Anyways, here's the bones and positions/rotations (assumed, it's not clear from that weird o3d files)
from that construct_base.

I ignored MovementPhantom, HitPhantom and IK Chain02 at the start and some bones at the end.
The count might have started from 3 instead of two, but since it would make sense to use a subset of bones for building a reduced skeleton that shouldn't matter.

2. Bone_CG_Master
3. Bone_CG_Ankle_L
-10.5751 -0.0408497 3.1695 89.9605 159.194 -89.8917

4. Bone_CG_Ankle_R
10.5687 -0.534228 3.35322 -89.9719 20.8818 89.9631

5. Bone_CG_Back_L
-2.71969 -6.45823 51.6439 -74.9742 -80.3534 44.9105

6. Bone_CG_Back_R
8.03732 -1.78965 50.0817 -12.6008 -80.2495 77.5235

7. Bone_CG_BackGear
0.0962192 -11.0153 61.7042 -69.877 -70.5489 75.7214

8. Bone_CG_BigToe_L
-7.68727 1.9839 1.59727 -89.9655 -0.0375848 85.122

9. Bone_CG_Champ_Forearm_L
-29.8699 1.69611 26.2934 -83.6938 63.1198 107.311

10. Bone_CG_Champ_Shoulder_L
-22.4914 4.417 55.6093 12.3363 59.1582 -165.73

11. Bone_CG_Champ_SpikesBase
-28.745 8.00612 12.9538 -74.6501 65.4502 104.635

12. Bone_CG_Champ_SpikesTip
-29.3087 10.8456 6.50003 -76.214 66.5652 102.955

13. Bone_CG_Chest_L
-6.48533 3.30389 46.2424 -30.8678 -67.282 69.8652

14. Bone_CG_Chest_R
5.65978 6.8309 42.4232 64.9634 -104.991 -89.9492

15. Bone_CG_ChestPlate
8.91715 1.96396 41.3906 -63.8917 12.8331 94.6602

16. Bone_CG_Collar
0.204777 9.26934 51.0136 89.873 -35.0102 90.0279

17. Bone_CG_ElbowPad_L
-26.8098 -1.87449 35.4039 68.7034 -170.225 46.026

18. Bone_CG_ElbowPad_R
30.4155 0.888353 26.5509 -62.0014 -6.21599 -35.216

19. Bone_CG_Finger_Index1_L
-28.1534 13.5176 6.77413 -105.648 79.8784 89.5458

20. Bone_CG_Finger_Index1_R
28.2114 13.4672 6.8371 -73.8471 80.6732 91.3719

21. Bone_CG_Finger_Index2_L
-28.1413 14.0605 2.08418 -178.148 86.5106 18.5019

22. Bone_CG_Finger_Index2_R
28.0162 13.6979 2.37108 11.3982 86.6012 175.145

23. Bone_CG_Finger_Middle1_L
-31.7243 11.9903 7.04921 -65.0343 78.8696 141.037

24. Bone_CG_Finger_Middle1_R
31.4943 12.0043 7.50916 -118.076 79.4135 36.3277

25. Bone_CG_Finger_Middle2_L
-32.3218 12.1832 2.44732 -0.486864 84.3982 -150.199

26. Bone_CG_Finger_Middle2_R
32.23 11.953 2.94023 173.477 84.0239 -36.3554

27. Bone_CG_Finger_Pinky1_L
-34.4857 9.77768 7.94478 -53.2123 68.2998 155.852

28. Bone_CG_Finger_Pinky1_R
34.4012 9.9152 8.45808 -128.7 68.6835 22.7885

29. Bone_CG_Finger_Pinky2_L
-35.7513 9.6151 3.87921 -8.2985 74.8825 -152.792

30. Bone_CG_Finger_Pinky2_R
35.6571 9.78872 4.29854 -174.492 74.5684 -29.4799

31. Bone_CG_Finger_Thumb1_L
-23.4048 10.3566 11.0915 -142.933 50.8227 -27.2064

32. Bone_CG_Finger_Thumb1_R
23.8022 10.2225 11.1363 -36.0113 50.3868 -151.558

33. Bone_CG_Finger_Thumb2_L
-21.5705 9.02154 7.69782 -168.266 58.3879 -51.284

34. Bone_CG_Finger_Thumb2_R
21.7405 9.00179 8.04887 -10.9126 57.7171 -127.599

35. Bone_CG_Foot_L
-10.6816 -1.72311 8.2233 89.9494 85.0278 -89.9438

36. VFX_Shin_L
-5.99378e-005 -7.84153e-006 1.06722e-006

37. Bone_CG_Foot_R
10.6778 -1.72166 8.22211 -88.6835 94.9951 89.9439

38. VFX_Foot_R
8.1909 -0.715706 0.0164442 -175.0 90.0 0.0

39. VFX_Shin_R
180.0 5.08929e-006 4.69575e-006

40. Bone_CG_ForeArm_L
-27.999 3.57742 23.7687 -78.2189 64.4953 100.679

41. WeaponPhantom_Drill
-3.8147e-006 2.86102e-006 5.72205e-006

42. VFX_Forearm_L
-1.71661e-005 1.52588e-005 1.14441e-005

43. Bone_CG_ForeArm_R
28.6362 3.38907 24.4018 -99.7759 59.6409 80.8561

44. WeaponPhantom_Arm_Lo_R
-1.90735e-006 0.0 5.72205e-006

45. VFX_Forearm_R
-3.8147e-006 2.67029e-005 1.14441e-005 180.0 5.54952e-006 1.62217e-005

46. WeaponPhantom_Hammer_Large
0.0 -8.58307e-006 3.8147e-006 -2.71073e-005 0.0 -3.84198e-005

47. Bone_CG_Hand_L
-29.6084 10.1059 12.4481 85.9455 117.429 -69.2935

48. VFX_Hand_L
2.86102e-006 1.90735e-006 -3.8147e-006 86.972 90.0 0.0

49. VFX_Weapon_L
3.00163 2.86561 -0.0211239 7.10348e-006 170.0 4.0627e-006

50. Bone_CG_Hand_R
29.3275 10.0028 12.7948 -86.414 62.6811 69.3306

51. VFX_Hand_R
1.90735e-006 -3.8147e-006 7.62939e-006 89.9999 90.0 0.0

52. VFX_Weapon_R
4.36948 3.20874 -0.550158 1.38739e-006 -9.39151e-006 -8.53793e-007

53. Bone_CG_HandPlate_L
-31.8427 12.6973 15.6137 -68.0755 87.8605 135.392

54. Bone_CG_HandPlate_R
29.9101 10.7304 15.954 -93.4373 73.0713 63.491

55. Bone_CG_Head
0.204658 10.0383 51.0617 90.0302 -49.9958 89.9722

56. VFX_Head
179.798 -90.0 0.0

57. Bone_CG_Heel_L
-10.5818 -4.29927 2.54289 -89.991 -0.0135289 92.0235

58. VFX_Foot_L
0.876794 2.54312 -0.0319386 90.0 90.0 0.0

59. Bone_CG_JunkPlate
0.0226483 5.30277 25.4928 -89.4376 6.48487 90.2648

60. Bone_CG_KneeCap_R
9.63464 1.24935 16.3981 -94.9788 -0.44147 84.9917

61. Bone_CG_KneePad_L
-10.598 4.74494 15.1589 -80.076 -0.895112 100.069

62. Bone_CG_MidToe_L
-12.4288 2.25367 1.33327 -89.5477 -0.0404347 90.1221

63. Bone_CG_Pelvis_L
-3.12049 -4.76364 30.8571 46.6471 82.694 -122.506

64. VFX_Pelvis
-0.313421 -0.152452 -3.39948 -3.76344e-005 85.0 -180.0

65. Bone_CG_Pelvis_R
3.19224 -3.12443 30.7201 108.811 80.0137 -50.4632

66. Bone_CG_PinkyToe_L
-14.7193 2.17962 1.33446 -89.9764 -0.0451014 100.122

67. Bone_CG_ShoulderPad_L
-15.8752 2.38769 51.9257 12.3535 59.1548 -165.671

68. Bone_CG_ShoulderPad_R
16.9467 2.449 52.1163 154.469 62.37 -17.1117

69. Bone_CG_Spine1
-0.58476 -4.01982 36.9196 0.00122237 -90.0 0.0

70. VFX_Projectile_Hit
5.10863 16.9943 -0.00015974 -0.00991497 90.0198 0.0

71. Node_Focus
40.3305 4.01949 -0.577496 0.00034378 89.9802 0.0

72. VFX_Chest
9.10648 3.65804 -0.681815 0.00688196 90.028 0.0

0.0 -4.76837e-007 -3.8147e-006 7.72096e-006 0.0104365 5.79166e-006

74. Bone_CG_Thigh_L
-8.28227 -2.05574 21.9554 -38.5554 68.3743 148.684

75. VFX_Thigh_L
-3.8147e-006 6.67572e-006 -9.53674e-006 -3.84198e-005 -3.84198e-005 -1.28065e-006

76. Bone_CG_Thigh_R
8.28064 -2.05277 21.9544 -141.48 68.3866 31.3641

77. VFX_Thigh_R
3.8147e-006 1.54972e-005 -6.67572e-006 -180.0 6.83019e-006 2.56132e-006

78. Bone_CG_ThighPad_L
-8.65524 -1.9341 22.6469 -52.0087 62.3802 151.406

79. Bone_CG_ThighPad_R
8.8128 -1.80529 22.2071 -144.568 65.1817 38.0636

80. Bone_CG_UpperArm_L
-18.5184 0.509635 42.5422 9.18243 50.0561 -168.03

81. VFX_Bicep_L
9.53674e-006 7.77245e-005 -3.05176e-005 -7.44917e-005 -3.50047e-005 8.7512e-006

82. Bone_CG_UpperArm_R
21.4791 0.627048 43.7186 164.812 62.3505 -17.0212

83. VFX_Bicep_R
0.0 -2.38419e-007 0.0 180.0 7.57724e-006 90.0

84. Bone_CG_BackGear_R
18.1904 -11.2826 57.1666 31.2563 -124.701 -21.4278

85. Bone_CG_BackGear_In_L
-11.5882 -11.8234 63.8631 31.2564 -124.701 -21.4277

86. Bone_CG_BackGear_L
-18.0375 -14.5533 54.554 19.5211 -159.345 -0.171842

87. Helper_Weapon
24.407 10.9806 8.67499 -73.6773 -112.361 44.596

88. WeaponPhantom_Hammer
-2.44465 -1.46349 -26.142 0.0 2.34788e-006 3.07358e-005

89. VFX_BeamSource
0.0961483 -0.361768 46.0262 0.00852763 0.0215482 0.0143213

90. VFX_BeamTarget
0.0961483 -0.361768 46.0262 0.00852763 0.0215482 0.0143213

91. VFX_HeartStone
0.0 0.0 48.0

92. Node General Fx
0.0 0.0 72.2487

93. HitPhantom_Rubble
0.0 0.0 37.7225

94. VFX_Ground
-0.000367123 4.69576e-006 -3.842e-006

95. VFX_Cast
6.79481e-006 21.8701 33.75 -0.000367123 4.69576e-006 -3.842e-006

96. HitPhantom_ImpactHard
0.0 0.0 37.7225

97. Node_Camera
-0.0110226 24.1833 56.9297 0.000352475 -0.0125304 0.00122

98. VFX_WeaponSwipe_A
1.08184e-005 -3.84289e-006 -27.0782 90.0 -1.70755e-006 -89.9001

99. VFX_WeaponSwipe_B
-4.44037e-006 -3.83323e-006 -59.0782 90.0 -1.70755e-006 -89.9001

100. VFX_WeaponSwipe_C
-4.44037e-006 -3.83323e-006 -91.0782 90.0 -1.70755e-006 -89.9001

So if you were really interested like you stated you could try to build a skeleton then (with the parenting done manually).
(For the bones with 6 values the first three floats should be position, the last three Euler angles in degrees.)

Re: Extracting simple models

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:17 pm
by dibe91
while I was trying dell'informazioni, I found an old post of 2010 that speaks how to make a script on 3dstudio max, also provided with video tutorials. very useful for people like me who has no knowledge. I just wish ua your opinion if it was invalid to begin with: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5644