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Re: Dark Souls 2 file formats

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:57 pm
by TheReaperCooL
Hey there guys!

I'm resurrecting this thread, because I'd like to translate the game on PC. Can anyone help me with the fmg files (can't decrypt them, but there are some where I can see text), and how I could import them back in?

Re: Dark Souls 2 file formats

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 10:50 am
by Imamonke
I don't suppose there's a way for someone without a xbox copy of DS 2 to get their hands on the models/textures/maps? I've been itching to make some animations with them, but I've come up at dead-ends no matter where I look.

Re: Dark Souls 2 file formats

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 11:57 am
by hoang vinh
TheReaperCooL wrote:Hey there guys!

I'm resurrecting this thread, because I'd like to translate the game on PC. Can anyone help me with the fmg files (can't decrypt them, but there are some where I can see text), and how I could import them back in?
You can read this topic :

Re: Dark Souls 2 file formats

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:16 pm
by TokiChan
Hey, do someone have Fume Knight model? I found only textures,but no .flv mesh
I unpack all alot files, try to search by number, but still no found.

Re: Dark Souls 2 file formats

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 6:17 am
by TehDave
Bit of a necro, but I feel this is relevant to this thread, I've been trying to track down DS2 player animations for a while assuming they were .hkx like the other games in the series but as it turns out, that's not the case
They are in .nsa format :ninja:
afaik no one's looked into this format so I wonder if anyone would be interested in taking a look at them and figure out what's going on here. .hkx is used in other places, just not characters and unlike 1 and 3 there's no .anibnd with all the .hkx files ready to import into Max.

Re: Dark Souls 2 file formats

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:39 pm
by TokiChan
Does anyone have tne numbers of armor sets from dark souls 2?

I try to find some, but it take alot times in 3ds max to import any mesh