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Tomb Raider (2013) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.tiger)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:07 pm
by Ekey

Gibbed Tiger Unpacker (rev117) / Rick
Download: here
Gibbed.TombRaider9.Unpack "szTIGERarchive" "szOutputFolder"
Gibbed.TombRaider9.Unpack "c:\Tomb Raider\title.000.tiger" "c:\Tomb Raider\unpacked\title"
DRM Dumper ( / Ekey (h4x0r)
Download: here
1) Unpack Tiger archive
2) Run DRMDumper
3) Select game path
4) Open .DRM files
5) Profit
Additional thanks to howfie :wmg:


RenderMesh plugin for Noesis (1.5beta) / MrNightmareTM
Download: here
1) Download Noesis
2) Copy plugin in "plugins\python" folder
3) Profit

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:03 pm
by michalss
files 000 and 001 is basically 1 file cutted on to 2 pieces you script wont work on this unless you merge them :)

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:10 pm
by Ekey
I can't test because I do not have these files. Anyway seems wrong extracting.


Code: Select all

CRC32 for FileName is 0xC8B69EE7. Found in

Code: Select all

Who can look this file ? Seems divided into blocks and compressed?

Code: Select all

4 bytes - Block Size (Endian Big)
4 bytes - Nulls
4 bytes - Nulls
4 bytes - Nulls
4 bytes - Uncompressed Size (Endian Little) ?
Screen v1


Code: Select all

4 bytes - Block Size (Endian Big)
4 bytes - Nulls
4 bytes - Nulls
4 bytes - Nulls

select block by size

4 bytes - Nulls
4 bytes - Size with header
4 bytes - Uncompressed Size
4 bytes - Nulls

next block
Screen v2

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:57 pm
by Gh0stBlade
When you unpack it you should end up with a bunch of files which are mainly CDRM files. Which stand for Compressed DRM those are compressed and contain models, textures etc..

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:21 am
by Ekey
Yeah i know about DRMs. I found much files as local.bin divided into blocks and compressed. XMem or ?

PS: third post updated.

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:53 am
by chrrox
in your file you posted
40 00 01 00 =
0x40 * 0x80 = 0x2000
this is the number at the end
00 00 00 00 00 00 08 10 00 00 20 00
then the 2nd section
2C 00 01 00 =
0x2C * 0x80 = 0x1600
this is the number at the end
00 00 00 00 00 00 08 10 00 00 36 00
then the 3rd section
28 00 01 00 =
0x28 * 0x80 = 0x1400
this is the number at the end
00 00 00 00 00 00 08 10 00 00 4A 00
so you can see this first short is the uncompressed data size that you multiply * 0x80
and the number at the end is the placeholder the file is at after decompression.

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:07 am
by howfie
PC and ps3 version leaked already too? PC version use zlib?

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:09 am
by Gh0stBlade
howfie wrote:PC and ps3 version leaked already too? PC version use zlib?
No PC leak or PS3. However, PS3 leak is imminent since there are several unboxing videos.

Just a little note Ekey, I made an unpacker a while ago but mine is doing something slightly different. I'm not sure why you are adding/subtracting 0x2010 it's resulting in files having missing data since i compared with my files. I don't think you should be doing that? I'm not certain but I was just letting you know.

~Waiting for PC.

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:40 am
by lllccc
tomb raider for the 360 has been leaked

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:28 am
by sephiroth99
I had a look too at the new archives. Here's what I found and my current interrogations.

Does any one know if "TAFS" is a known format? My guess is that it's proprietary (as is everything in every TR games...). Is it "TAFS" like "TA" file system, or "FATS" like File Allocation Table "S"??

I used the work done by Rick on DX3 and TR for the following. I made a copy of his code here:

About the format of the archive, it's pretty basic, looks a lot like TRU. The thing that is different is how the DRM files are built. Before, in TRU, there was the main DRM file (compressed "CDRM") and you had some pointers to data elsewhere (what Rick called "Resolvers", see : HERE

Now, for TR9, it looks like the DRM file entry in the bigfile is only an index file of those kind of "Resolvers" and the "real" data is elsewhere in the bigfile. But that "real" data is not in the index of the bigfile. I made a basic extractor, and indeed you only extract like 900MB out of the 2.7GB of the bigfile. see HERE for my shitty extractor that doesn't work.

I also started looking for filenames, you can see what I have here: ... n%29/files

So I guess we need to find a way to generate/extract the full DRM file. And after that, see if the format of the mesh, textures, etc ... changed compared to TRU.

Edit: Looks like the DRM file is more similar to the TRU version than I thought. Still, the part about having hidden data in the bigfile stays true I think.

The new DRM Header has the following format:

Code: Select all

DRM Header
    u32 version; // 0x16 for TR9
    u32 unknown[5]; // all zero? must check all DRM files
    u32 SectionCount;
    u32 UnknownCount;

(Total length: 32 bytes)
It looks like the following parts (section header, resolvers, data) are the same as TRU (the section header anyway, can't say for the resolvers).

to be continued...

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:32 am
by Ekey
Sadly, Rebuilder for filelists dont work with TIGER. Anyway here updated filelist. Added ~ 118 filenames.


Code: Select all

%sDesign\Image Resources\%s.drm

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:44 am
by Itze
damn you guys are fast... keep up the good work! :D

wish i had the game already but im waiting for the pc version

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:52 pm
by Ekey
Simple Language Editor (TR9 Xbox) ... Need tests


1) Unpack Tiger BIGs
2) Open local.bin
3) Select string
4) Edit string
5) Save or Continue editing
6) Test it :)

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:13 pm
by michalss
going to test it right away :D Thx man i dont need to do it anymore :D Can you please do it export <-> import to TXT to bin pls ?

Re: Tomb Raider (2012) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.000.tiger)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:42 pm
by michalss
sephiroth99 wrote:I had a look too at the new archives. Here's what I found and my current interrogations.

Does any one know if "TAFS" is a known format? My guess is that it's proprietary (as is everything in every TR games...). Is it "TAFS" like "TA" file system, or "FATS" like File Allocation Table "S"??

I used the work done by Rick on DX3 and TR for the following. I made a copy of his code here:

About the format of the archive, it's pretty basic, looks a lot like TRU. The thing that is different is how the DRM files are built. Before, in TRU, there was the main DRM file (compressed "CDRM") and you had some pointers to data elsewhere (what Rick called "Resolvers", see : HERE

Now, for TR9, it looks like the DRM file entry in the bigfile is only an index file of those kind of "Resolvers" and the "real" data is elsewhere in the bigfile. But that "real" data is not in the index of the bigfile. I made a basic extractor, and indeed you only extract like 900MB out of the 2.7GB of the bigfile. see HERE for my shitty extractor that doesn't work.

I also started looking for filenames, you can see what I have here: ... n%29/files

So I guess we need to find a way to generate/extract the full DRM file. And after that, see if the format of the mesh, textures, etc ... changed compared to TRU.

Edit: Looks like the DRM file is more similar to the TRU version than I thought. Still, the part about having hidden data in the bigfile stays true I think.

The new DRM Header has the following format:

Code: Select all

DRM Header
    u32 version; // 0x16 for TR9
    u32 unknown[5]; // all zero? must check all DRM files
    u32 SectionCount;
    u32 UnknownCount;

(Total length: 32 bytes)
It looks like the following parts (section header, resolvers, data) are the same as TRU (the section header anyway, can't say for the resolvers).

to be continued...

Does your pack work OK mate pls or does it work at all?