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Re: Tomb Raider (2013) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.tiger)

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 3:30 pm
by OtosKomos
Can I ask a basic question?
I was able to get the source code of the tools on Github and build it in Visual studio, but when I try to unpack the file with a command, I can not do it as follows.

D:\modsfile\TR2013\translatr\translatr-release_0.2.1\translatr\bin\Debug>translatr extract en D:\modsfile\TR2013\unpacked\GOG\bigfile.000.tiger D:\modsfile\TR2013\unpacked\GOG\patch.000.tiger

translatr 0.2.1
by sephiroth99

unhandled exception: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find part of the path 'D:\modsfile\TR2013\unpacked\GOG\bigfile.000.tiger'
place System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
place System.IO.Directory.InternalGetFileDirectoryNames(String path, String userPathOriginal, String searchPattern, Boolean includeFiles, Boolean includeDirs, SearchOption searchOption)
place System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
place translatr.Locale.getLocaleMask(String dir) 場所 D:\mods file\TR2013\translatr\translatr-release_0.2.1\translatr\Locale.cs:line 31
place translatr.Extractor.doExtract(String[] args) 場所 D:\mods file\TR2013\translatr\translatr-release_0.2.1\translatr\Extractor.cs:line 94
place translatr.Program.Main(String[] args) 場所 D:\mods file\TR2013\translatr\translatr-release_0.2.1\translatr\Program.cs:line 37

Is this the wrong way to build? I would be grateful if anyone could tell me.
Gibbed tomraider9 unpacker with exe file could unpack.

Re: Tomb Raider (2013) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.tiger)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:49 pm
by kosemen76
How can I extract the tomb raider 2013 ps3 bigfile tiger files. I couldn't find it in this forum. Can anyone post a tutorial. Please help. I want to localize the game

Re: Tomb Raider (2013) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.tiger)

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:31 pm
by junkymana
Hi guys, I just managed to make this drm dumper work again. So I will mention what worked for me.

After extracting both Gibbed Tiger Unpacker & DRM Dumper into where Tomb raider is installed, I unpacked bigfile.000.tiger by dragging it on top of TR9DRMDumper.exe and then once all was extracted I opened the file Settings.ini
Here I put the installation path of the game. First it didn't work, so I tried putting the path of the unpacked .tiger (Tomb Raider\bigfile.000_unpack\default\pc-w) and then it started working all of a sudden. I just double checkedd the path right now and it only has the game root, so it looks like DRM Dumper has changed this after working or I don't know.

I must mention that I also did downgrade my steam version of the game to the very first, you can find a tutorial here:

I hope it can help anyone
You all take care.

BTW, here I share a folder with the tools to extract from the whole trilogy of the reboot TR games:

Re: Tomb Raider (2013) (PC) (PS3) (XBOX) (*.tiger)

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:00 pm
by MaZTeR
Hey, I'm wondering if someone could make the TR9 Blender import-export script to function on Blender v3.0+? It's from the TR forum covering the model modding for the game, version 0.5. It seems to only work on 2.76.

Or even v2.8 or 2.9 would be nice, but I barely can use the 2.7x versions with the old UI. ...