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3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by zaykho »

Darko wrote:
zaykho wrote:
Yes. indeed!
But they didn't have any animation ? I mean, they always "stuck" like that ?

If I remember when I played this game, some fingers may move in gravure........
They use morphs for animation.

See ya
Ok, thank you again Darko :p
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Darko »

No problem, It's the same with the earlier games (DOA3, DOAX, DOAU2, DOA4 and DOAX2).

See ya.
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Drawing »

fatduck do you have the download of Sanguo 三国争霸 and Zero of the World 天上人間?

because i can't find this game on the net
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by fatduck »

Drawing wrote:fatduck do you have the download of Sanguo 三国争霸 and Zero of the World 天上人間?

because i can't find this game on the net
Just google and copy the name will get the result!!!

Sanguo 三国争霸:
Zero of the World 天上人間:
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Rimbros »

Amazing Job Fat, i think u hare one of the best on this of keep out animations with models. Cheers :D
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by peto1488 »

90% not open models :/

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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Allanoon »

First of all thanks for the awesome update! ^-^
peto1488 wrote:90% not open models :/

Which models are you trying to open? What version of autodesk are you using?
I do not have any problems at all, everything seems to work fine o.o

But... about Bounty Bay online... models visualization is strange
I see his "back" mesh while looking in front of it and viceversa.
And i get
"--Unknown property: "parent" is undefined" error when trying to load some of them while others seems to load fine.
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by fatduck »

For BountyBay Online. Sometimes normals are flips. Don't know why!?
And which models got that "--Unknown property: "parent" is undefined" error?
This game is a bit messy. It better to import *.ini in ..\INI\ folder to load the everything in one time!

S.U.N. fixed. Test with version 110, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120
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Last edited by fatduck on Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by peto1488 »

3ds max 8
Import WZM (SOUN) 500 models = only import 20-30 models
more than 400 are bad


  • Code: Select all

    rollout MainRoll "Soul of the Ultimate Nation" (fn fc8705d6 f fscale a5efccb5 i89f90b7 = (c42adf63 = getFileSize a5efccb5;hdr = readFixedString f 4;if (hdr=="WZMD")OR(hdr=="WZAD") then () else (messagebox "Not a valid SUN File!";return undefined);AnimationRange = interval 0f 100f;SliderTime = 0f;g801b25d = readshort f #unsigned;if g801b25d<0x78 then (ec75184a = readshort f;b7ef643a = for j = 1 to ec75184a collect (readbyte f#unsigned););b85d663d = #();ic8012ea = #();fb756de8 = undefined;do (c507de07 = readshort f #unsigned;d01a556e = readlong f;d7c4556e = (ftell f) + d01a556e - 6;case c507de07 of (0xB7DA: (c90d663e = 0;d48e080a = 0;bf8745d3 = $'AnimData';if bf8745d3==undefined then bf8745d3 = dummy name:"AnimData" else (c90d663e = GetUserProp bf8745d3 "ACnt";if c90d663e != undefined then d48e080a = ( getUserProp bf8745d3 ("A"+(c90d663e as string)+"ED") ) + 1 else c90d663e = 0;if d48e080a==undefined then d48e080a = 0);gb70650d = readbyte f #unsigned;if g801b25d<0x71 then (b705de4a = readbyte f #unsigned;c025df6c = for j = 1 to gb70650d collect b705de4a) else if g801b25d<0x77 then (b705de4a = readshort f #unsigned;c025df6c = for j = 1 to gb70650d collect b705de4a) else c025df6c = for j = 1 to gb70650d collect (readshort f #unsigned);a80b63b4 = readfloat f;b85d663d = #();for i = 1 to gb70650d do (g5bb568a = readbyte f #unsigned;i5e89025 = readbyte f #unsigned;h6b8f446 = readFixedString f i5e89025;f801b504=undefined;for b in i89f90b7 where do (f801b504=b;exit);if f801b504==undefined then (f801b504 = dummy boxsize:[.1,.1,.1] showLinks:true showLinksOnly:true name:h6b8f446 wirecolor:yellow;setUserProp f801b504 "SUNBone" (i-1);if g5bb568a==255 then f801b504.parent = bf8745d3 else f801b504.parent = b85d663d[(g5bb568a+1)]);append b85d663d f801b504);e70d63d1 = 0;d90eaa41=0;if g801b25d >0x71 then d90eaa41 = readlong f;if g801b25d > 0x76 then (if d90eaa41==0 then (ec54078e = dummy();for i = 1 to gb70650d do (ec54078e.rotation.controller = copy b85d663d[i].rotation.controller;if e70d63d1<(c025df6c[i]-1) then e70d63d1=(c025df6c[i]-1);for k = 1 to c025df6c[i] do (h90b45d3 = [(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)]*fscale;if ((g801b25d>=0x78)or(b7ef643a[1]==1)) then i03edfd7 = quat (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) else i03edfd7 = conjugate ((EulerAngles (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f))) as quat);with animate on at time (k+d48e080a-1) (ec54078e.rotation = i03edfd7;in coordsys b85d663d[i].parent    b85d663d[i].pos = h90b45d3));b85d663d[i].rotation.controller = copy ec54078e.rotation.controller);delete ec54078e) else if d90eaa41==1 then (ec54078e = dummy();for i = 1 to gb70650d do (ec54078e.rotation.controller = copy b85d663d[i].rotation.controller;for k = 1 to c025df6c[i] do (a0564dc0 = readshort f #unsigned;if e70d63d1<(a0564dc0) then e70d63d1=(a0564dc0);h90b45d3 = [(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)]*fscale;if ((g801b25d>=0x78)or(b7ef643a[1]==1)) then i03edfd7 = quat (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) else i03edfd7 = conjugate ((EulerAngles (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f))) as quat);with animate on at time (a0564dc0+d48e080a) (ec54078e.rotation = i03edfd7;in coordsys b85d663d[i].parent    b85d663d[i].pos = h90b45d3));b85d663d[i].rotation.controller = copy ec54078e.rotation.controller);delete ec54078e) else (messagebox ("new Key Type: "+(d90eaa41 as string));return b85d663d)) else (f50cdfd7 = for i = 1 to gb70650d collect dummy();for i = 1 to gb70650d do f50cdfd7[i].rotation.controller = copy b85d663d[i].rotation.controller;e70d63d1 = c025df6c[1]-1;if d90eaa41==0 then (for k = 1 to c025df6c[1] do (for i = 1 to gb70650d do (h90b45d3 = [(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)]*fscale;if ((g801b25d>=0x78)or(b7ef643a[1]==1)) then i03edfd7 = quat (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) else i03edfd7 = conjugate ((EulerAngles (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f))) as quat);with animate on at time (k+d48e080a-1) (f50cdfd7[i].rotation = i03edfd7;in coordsys b85d663d[i].parent    b85d663d[i].pos = h90b45d3)));for i = 1 to gb70650d do b85d663d[i].rotation.controller = copy f50cdfd7[i].rotation.controller) else if d90eaa41==1 then (for k = 1 to c025df6c[1] do (a0564dc0 = readlong f;if e70d63d1<(a0564dc0) then e70d63d1=(a0564dc0);for i = 1 to gb70650d do (h90b45d3 = [(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)]*fscale;if ((g801b25d>=0x78)or(b7ef643a[1]==1)) then i03edfd7 = quat (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) (readfloat f) else i03edfd7 = conjugate ((EulerAngles (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f)) (RadToDeg (readfloat f))) as quat);with animate on at time (a0564dc0+d48e080a) (f50cdfd7[i].rotation = i03edfd7;in coordsys b85d663d[i].parent    b85d663d[i].pos = h90b45d3)));for i = 1 to gb70650d do b85d663d[i].rotation.controller = copy f50cdfd7[i].rotation.controller);delete f50cdfd7);c90d663e += 1;setUserProp bf8745d3 ("A"+(c90d663e as string)+"ST") d48e080a;setUserProp bf8745d3 ("A"+(c90d663e as string)+"ED") (e70d63d1+d48e080a);setUserProp bf8745d3 ("A"+(c90d663e as string)+"NE") (getFilenameFile a5efccb5);setUserProp bf8745d3 "ACnt" c90d663e);0xB7D1: (if g801b25d>0x6E then a50ce60f1 = readlong f else a50ce60f1 = readshort f #unsigned;a74d5c6b = #();for k = 1 to a50ce60f1 do (g01b54d6 = readshort f;append ic8012ea g01b54d6;append a74d5c6b ([(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)]*fscale));if g801b25d>=0x75 then (readbyte f #unsigned;d84e0df1 = readbyte f #unsigned;e801dbf4 = readlong f) else (d84e0df1 = readbyte f #unsigned;e801dbf4 = readlong f);bb702d6f = #();e0df846c = #();gb754d6b = #();f77dc65a = #();hb754b15 = #();fb904d66 = 1;d67effb4 = multimaterial numsubs:d84e0df1;for i = 1 to d84e0df1 do (if g801b25d>=0x75 then (readlong f);i5e89025 = readbyte f #unsigned;if i5e89025>0 then (h4b5002d = readFixedString f i5e89025;d67effb4[i].diffusemap = bitmapTexture filename:((getFilenamePath a5efccb5)+h4b5002d) name:(getFilenameFile h4b5002d);d67effb4[i].diffusemap.monoOutput = 1;d67effb4[i].diffusemap.alphaSource = 2;showTextureMap d67effb4[i] d67effb4[i].diffusemap on;d67effb4[i].opacitymap = d67effb4[i].diffusemap;d67effb4[i].twoSided = on);i5e89025 = readbyte f #unsigned;if i5e89025>0 then (h4b5002d = readFixedString f i5e89025;d67effb4[i].specularmap = bitmapTexture filename:((getFilenamePath a5efccb5)+h4b5002d) name:(getFilenameFile h4b5002d);d67effb4[i].specularmap.monoOutput = 1;d67effb4[i].specularmap.alphaSource = 2);i5e89025 = readbyte f #unsigned;if i5e89025>0 then (h4b5002d = readFixedString f i5e89025;d67effb4[i].bumpMap = Normal_Bump ();d67effb4[i].bumpMap.normal_map = bitmapTexture filename:((getFilenamePath a5efccb5)+h4b5002d) name:(getFilenameFile h4b5002d);d67effb4[i].bumpMap.normal_map.monoOutput = 1;d67effb4[i].bumpMap.normal_map.alphaSource = 2) else (if d67effb4[i].specularmap != undefined then (f8953fd0 = undefined;g7b0255f = findstring d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename "_sp.";if g7b0255f!= undefined then f8953fd0 = replace d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename g7b0255f 3 "_no" else (g7b0255f = findstring d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename "_s.";if g7b0255f!= undefined then f8953fd0 = replace d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename g7b0255f 2 "_n" else (g7b0255f = findstring d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename "_Seq.";if g7b0255f!= undefined then f8953fd0 = replace d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename g7b0255f 4 "_Nom" else (g7b0255f = findstring d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename "SpecularMap.";if g7b0255f!= undefined then f8953fd0 = replace d67effb4[i].specularmap.filename g7b0255f 11 "NomalMap")));if f8953fd0 != undefined then (d67effb4[i].bumpMap = Normal_Bump ();d67effb4[i].bumpMap.normal_map = bitmapTexture filename:f8953fd0 name:(getFilenameFile f8953fd0);d67effb4[i].bumpMap.normal_map.monoOutput = 1;d67effb4[i].bumpMap.normal_map.alphaSource = 2)));if g801b25d>0x6E then (e902d506 = readlong f;e801dbf4 = readlong f;h70b232c = readlong f) else (e801dbf4 = readshort f #unsigned;h70b232c = readshort f #unsigned);for k = 1 to e801dbf4 do (de801252 = readshort f #unsigned;if g801b25d>0x6E then c8e0f45f = readlong f else c8e0f45f = readshort f #unsigned;append bb702d6f (c8e0f45f+1);e0df846c[(c8e0f45f+1)] = [(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)];a605d08e = readlong f;if g801b25d>=0x75 then b89e0f56 = readlong f;i5edfc47 = [(readfloat f),(readfloat f),(readfloat f)];readbyte f #unsigned;append gb754d6b [(readfloat f),1-(readfloat f),0]);if g801b25d>0x6E then for j = 1 to h70b232c do ( append f77dc65a  ([(readlong f),(readlong f),(readlong f)]+fb904d66) ; append hb754b15 i ) else for j = 1 to h70b232c do ( append f77dc65a ([(readshort f #unsigned),(readshort f #unsigned),(readshort f #unsigned)]+fb904d66) ; append hb754b15 i );if g801b25d > 0x75 then (readlong f);fb904d66 += e801dbf4);if d84e0df1==1 then d67effb4 = d67effb4[1];i2dd303e = for c7f022a6 in f77dc65a collect [bb702d6f[c7f022a6.x],bb702d6f[c7f022a6.y],bb702d6f[c7f022a6.z]];fb756de8 = mesh vertices:a74d5c6b faces:i2dd303e materialIDs:hb754b15 name:(GetFilenameFile a5efccb5);fb756de8.numTVerts = gb754d6b.count;buildTVFaces fb756de8;for j = 1 to gb754d6b.count do setTVert  fb756de8 j gb754d6b[j];for j = 1 to f77dc65a.count do setTVFace fb756de8 j f77dc65a[j];for j = 1 to e0df846c.count do setNormal fb756de8 j e0df846c[j];fb756de8.material = d67effb4);0xB7D2: (c1fb05eb = readshort f #unsigned;h5b603dc = #();for i = 1 to c1fb05eb do (h5b603dc[i] = #(#(),#());b909f6e3 = readbyte f #unsigned;for k = 1 to b909f6e3 do (g01b54d6 = readbyte f #unsigned;a40256d0 = readfloat f;append h5b603dc[i][1] (g01b54d6+1);append h5b603dc[i][2] a40256d0));e451df2a = #();for g01b54d6 in ic8012ea do (if g01b54d6>=0 then append e451df2a #(#(g01b54d6+1),#(1.0)) else append e451df2a h5b603dc[(abs(g01b54d6))]);AutoskinMeshNT fb756de8 b85d663d e451df2a);default: fseek f d7c4556e #seek_set);if (ftell f)!=d7c4556e then ( Messagebox "Chunk size error!" ; retrun undefined )) while (ftell f) != c42adf63);button opnRes images:#(FatImage,undefined,10,ImgIdx,ImgIdx,ImgIdx,ImgIdx) width:200 Height:150 align:#center tooltip:"Import S.U.N File";on opnRes pressed do (a5efccb5 = getOpenFileName caption:"Open Soul of the Ultimate Nation File" types:"SUN Animation (*.WZA)|*.wza|SUN model (*.WZM)|*.wzm|All File (*.*)|*.*|";if a5efccb5 != undefined then (f = fopen a5efccb5 "rb";b85d663d = for b in $Helpers where (getUserProp b "SUNBone")!=undefined collect b;fc8705d6 f fscale a5efccb5 b85d663d;fclose f)))
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Allanoon »

fatduck wrote:For BountyBay Online. Sometimes normals are flips. Don't know why!?
And which models got that "--Unknown property: "parent" is undefined" error?
This game is a bit messy. It better to import *.ini in ..\INI\ folder to load the everything in one time!
I apologize, dunno why but i didn't write "animations" some animations give me that error, unless, i got to run all those inis first? o.o
And ye you're right, it's not easy to associate animation-models and such in here

Oh and ehm...
About Zero of the World, those .tcpk files... is there any specific extractor? I still didn't look trou them but with a simple look on google i only found .cpk extractors and i doubt they'll work on it. That bms script in the folder is to convert textures but i'll have to extract them first anyway xD
peto1488 wrote:...
Fatduck should have fixed the problem for you in his previous post~ But i also think that the problem may be caused by that old autodesk version, as i said a few months ago:
Oh i also noticed that some importer function doesn't work with 3ds max 2012 (errors) but works perfectly with 3ds max 9. An example would be Chaos Legion :)
It may be the opposite case with S.U.N. ^^
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by kazhuki01 »

Wow! This is really amazing fatduck..
Ohh btw where i can find the Tantra Exporter.mse?
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Pilgrim »

Thank you for this tool. I'm trying to work with Archeage files. I realize it is only in beta, but I can't get any of the files to open. It will either give a rollout handler exception error, or wont display the model at all. (.chr files)
Have you been able to successfully import these files? or could it be that I am using 3DS max 8 ? or does it work only with more recent versions?

Thanks again.
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by fatduck »


I use 3dsmax9 and 2009. Haven't got any error at all!? 3dsmax8 missing some bits operation command which might not work!?(I can't remember)

PS: I only have Archeage CTB2, the format might changed as well?(Since there are lots of bugs in the format) I don't know!

Sorry for that!
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Pilgrim »

Thank you fatduck. I will try to update my 3ds version and see if that helps. I am using files from CTB5, so that may also be the cause.
I will keep trying.
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Re: 3d Models, animation importer - FatImporter

Post by Pilgrim »

It must be that CTB5 will not work with it. I used 3ds 2009, and still get errors.
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