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Diablo III .app

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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by Monguron »

Anyway, as said before, the normals are not exported apperantly, and therefor in 3D Max it works just fine, since after the import, MAX does a recalc of the normals
It was exported before by BoyC's converter, which makes porper normals... or not? :)

With the other converter it was impossible to load the object in Maya or 3DS.
Diablo3 dataminers!
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by deltaone »

use fixed TaylorMouse converter, thats work fine ...
models loading to maya and show correctly ...

P.S. 2TaylorMouse sorry for reflector - you are be offline ;(
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by TaylorMouse »

Hey no problem about the reflector, just don't claim it yours :wink:

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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by Monguron »

So it seems the texture is pulled onto the model upside down.

I was rotating the texture in photoshop by 180, but this didn't help --> still the same symptom.
So the 3D engines are getting this info somewhat different, but I have no idea about that...
Diablo3 dataminers!
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by Weeboss »


I'm trying to import some Models from D3 Beta into 3ds max.
I did everything as it's suppose to; I get the .obj file from the .app file via D3AppConvert2Obj.exe through cmd.exe but for some reason it Imports weirdly into 3ds max...

Here's screenshot:

I tried extracting other .app files from the MPQ but with the same result.

Any ideas as of what might be the cause?
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by Monguron »

The cause: you might be using an older version of the exporter file. It had a bug: it didn'z export all the data of the object (v-normals).

I had the same problem.

On page 6 of this thread, Deltoone posted the latest version: [4.17 KiB]. Try that, and give here a feedback.

My problem:
At the moment I cannot put the proper textures onto the model. Who has any idea, how to rotate the textures, as my eninge puts them upside down onto the model in flash, by using away3d (
Diablo3 dataminers!
Keep up the good work guys!
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by Weeboss »

Thank you for your reply, Monguron

I've already found a workaround for the problem by first importing the .obj file into Blender and then exporting it for 3ds Max.
It seems to work just fine in Blender.

Take care!
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by Monguron »

Hey Guys,

I would need the best .app converter (from BoyC), cause the other .app files do not work for me.

Could you please link it? thanks!
Diablo3 dataminers!
Keep up the good work guys!
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by TaylorMouse »

Hey Guys; it has been a while,

question though, I just downloaded the latest patch for Diablo III bèta, and tried to convert the textures again...

and only 20% of the lot has been able to convert to dds :(

That Sucks any idea how I (or anyone) could/would update the texture convertor... please..

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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by BlackEternity »

Necrolis just uploaded an updated D3TexConv not too long ago, its version 1.09b
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by delium »

sry for bumping...

this tool can import Diablo 3 app/ani/tex files an export them into another format (lizenz needed for export/save).
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by LUBDAR »

BlackEternity wrote:Necrolis just uploaded an updated D3TexConv not too long ago, its version 1.09b
I don't think that works too well, at least for me upon dragging a dropping a texture onto the .exe the .exe deleted itself...
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by BlackEternity »

LUBDAR wrote:I don't think that works too well, at least for me upon dragging a dropping a texture onto the .exe the .exe deleted itself...
Works just fine, try using a batch file to convert an entire folder.
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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by TaylorMouse »

Hey guys, been pretty busy the last couple of days, certainly with the D3 Expansion coming along.

I've taken every piece of code I could find, dropped it into a max script and now I'm able to import the app files into max, completely rigged and skinned.

It took quit some time to figure out how to apply all these things in Max, cause exporting it to obj does not involve bones, vertex weights etc...

it's not completed yet, just a wip..

I need some way to find the texture/material

in the code I took the example of Adria, so if you want to use the script ( as of Max 2011) you need to change the hard coded file of and here dds files to make it work

Code: Select all

	Import Diablo III App format
	by Taylor Mouse (c) 12.2013

/* CLEAN UP */
max select all
max delete

/* Helper functions */
fn ReadBytes stream val =
	for i=1 to val do ReadByte stream

fn ReadFixedString stream val =
	local str = ""
	for i=1 to val do
		s= bit.IntAsChar(ReadByte stream)
		if(s!="\0") then str+=s
	return str
struct AABB

struct D3Bone

struct GeoSet

struct VertexWeight --> Influence

file = @"..\Exported\Appearance\"
stream = fOpen file "rb"

-- Skip 36 bytes
ReadBytes stream 36

-- Bones
nBones = ReadLong stream
ofBones = ReadLong stream
sizeBones = ReadLong stream

-- Skip 120 bytes
ReadBytes stream 120

-- Subsets
nSubset = ReadLong stream
ofSubset = ReadLong stream
sizeSubset = ReadLong stream

-- Skip 36 bytes
ReadBytes stream 36

-- Collision Sphere
sph = sphere  pos:[ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream]  radius:(ReadFloat stream) name:"CollisionSphere"
sph.xray = true

-- Colission Capsules
nCollCap = ReadLong stream
offCollCap = ReadLong stream
sizeCollCap = ReadLong stream

allBones = #()
/* BONES */
if(ofBones > 0 ) then 
	fSeek stream (ofBones + 16) #seek_set 
	for b=1 to nBones do
		aBone = D3Bone()
		aBone.ID = b
		aBone.Name = ReadFixedString stream 64
		aBone.ParentID = (ReadLong stream) + 1 --> 0 is the root
		-- Bounding Boxes
		ab = AABB()
		ab.A = [ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream] 
		ab.B = [ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream]
		x = ab.A.X - ab.B.X
		y = ab.A.Y - ab.B.Y
		z = ab.A.Z - ab.B.Z
		-- Box length:x width:y height:z wirecolor:(color c 0 0)
		-- Bounding Spheres
		radius = ReadFloat stream
		position = [ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream , ReadFloat stream]
		-- Sphere radius:0.2 pos:position wirecolor:(Color 0 c 0)
		-- PRSTransform
		q1 = quat (ReadFloat stream) (ReadFloat stream) (ReadFloat stream) (ReadFloat stream) 
		v1 = Point3 (ReadFloat stream) (ReadFloat stream) (ReadFloat stream)
		aBone.Position = v1
		append allBones aBone
		ReadBytes stream 100 ---> not required,... yet

	/* Build the bones*/
	for b=1 to nBones do
		if( allBones[b].ParentID == 0 ) then
			allBones[b].TheBone = BoneSys.CreateBone allBones[b].Position allBones[b].Position [0,0,1]
			parentID = allBones[b].ParentID
			allBones[b].TheBone = BoneSys.CreateBone allBones[b].Position allBones[b].Position [0,0,1]
			allBones[b].TheBone.Parent = allBones[parentID].TheBone
		allBones[b].TheBone.Name = allBones[b].Name
		allBones[b].TheBone.ShowLinks = true
		allBones[b].TheBone.Width = 0.05
		allBones[b].TheBone.Height = 0.05

fSeek stream (ofSubset + 16) #seek_set 
geosets= #()
for	subset=1 to nSubset do
	g = GeoSet()
	ReadLong stream -- ?
	g.nVerts = ReadLong stream
	g.ofVerts = ReadLong stream
	g.sizeVerts = ReadLong stream
	ReadLong stream -- ?
	g.ofVertexWeights = ReadLong stream
	g.sizeWeights = ReadLong stream
	ReadLong stream -- ?
	g.nIndices = ReadLong stream
	g.ofIndices = ReadLong stream 
	g.sizeIndices = ReadLong stream
	ReadBytes stream 28 = ReadFixedString stream 128
	name2 = ReadFixedString stream 128
	ReadBytes stream 44
	append geosets g

/* GEO Data */
for i=1 to nSubset do
	verts = #()
	vertexWeights = #()
	normals = #()
	uvws = #()
	indices = #()
	/* Vertices, normals, texture coordinates */
	fSeek stream ( geosets[i].ofVerts + 16 ) #seek_set 
	for v=1 to geosets[i].nVerts do
		-- vertex
		vert = [ ReadFloat stream, ReadFloat stream, ReadFloat stream ]
		append verts vert
		-- normal
		nx = ReadByte stream
		ny = ReadByte stream
		nz = ReadByte stream
		ReadBytes stream 9
		rnx = (nx - 127.0)/127.0
		rny = (ny - 127.0)/127.0
		rnz = (nz - 127.0)/127.0
		normal = [rnx, rny, rnz]
		append normals normal
		-- Texture Coordinate	
		texU = ReadShort stream #unsigned
		texV = ReadShort stream #unsigned
		ReadBytes stream 16
		tu = float
		tv = float
		tu = 32767.0 - texU
		tv = 32767.0 - texV
		tu /= 512.0
		tv /= 512.0
		tv +=1.0
		tu *=-1.0
		uv = [tu,  tv, 0.0]
		append uvws uv
	/* Vertex Weights */
	fSeek stream ( geosets[i].ofVertexWeights + 16 ) #seek_set
	for v=1 to geosets[i].nVerts do
		vw = VertexWeight()
		vw.BoneID1 = ReadLong stream
		vw.Weight1 = ReadFloat stream
		vw.BoneID2 = ReadLong stream
		vw.Weight2 = ReadFloat stream
		vw.BoneID3 = ReadLong stream
		vw.Weight3 = ReadFloat stream
		append vertexWeights vw
	/* Indices */
	fSeek stream ( geosets[i].ofIndices + 16 ) #seek_set
	for f=1 to geosets[i].nIndices / 3  do
		index = [ReadShort stream #unsigned +1 , ReadShort stream #unsigned + 1, ReadShort stream #unsigned + 1]
		append indices index
	geosets[i].Verts = verts
	geosets[i].UVWs = uvws
	geosets[i].Normals = normals
	geosets[i].Indices = indices
	geosets[i].VertexWeights = vertexWeights

for i=1 to nSubset do
	-- Create the mesh
	theMesh = mesh vertices:geosets[i].Verts faces:geosets[i].Indices name:geosets[i].Name tverts:geosets[i].UVWs vnorms:geosets[i].Normals
	meshOp.setMapSupport theMesh 1 true
	for t = 1 to geosets[i].Verts.count do
		meshop.setMapVert theMesh 1 t geosets[i].UVWs[t]
	update theMesh
	-- create the materials
	meditMaterials[i] = Standard()
	meditMaterials[i].name = geosets[i].Name
	meditMaterials[i].diffuseMapEnable = on
	meditMaterials[i].selfillumMapEnable = on
	meditMaterials[i].useSelfIllumColor = on
	meditMaterials[i].opacityMapEnable = on
	meditMaterials[i].specularLevel = 50
	meditMaterials[i].selfIllumColor = color 255 255 255
	meditMaterials[i].diffuseMap  = Bitmaptexture fileName:"..\"
	meditMaterials[i].specularMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:"..\"
	meditMaterials[i].selfillumMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:"..\"
	meditMaterials[i].opacityMap = Bitmaptexture fileName:"..\"
	meditMaterials[i].opacityMap.monooutput = 1
	showTextureMap meditMaterials[i] true
	theMesh.material = meditMaterials[i]
	update theMesh
	geosets[i].theMesh = theMesh
	Find the matching texture using an algorithm

for i=1 to nSubset do
	msh = geosets[i].theMesh
	-- Apply skin modifier
	select msh
	max modify mode --> VERY IMPORTANT!!!
	skinMod = msh.Modifiers["skin"]
	modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod
	-- add all the bones
	for b=1 to nBones do
		skinOps.addBone skinMod allBones[b].TheBone 0
	update msh
	-- Apply vertex weights
	select msh
	max modify mode

	bones_total_count = skinops.getnumberbones skinMod
	vertex_count = getNumverts msh 

	for v = 1 to vertex_count do
		--vertex_bone_count = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount msh.modifiers[#skin] v
		for b = 1 to bones_total_count do

			boneId1 = geosets[i].VertexWeights[v].BoneId1 + 1
			weight1 = geosets[i].VertexWeights[v].Weight1
			boneId2 = geosets[i].VertexWeights[v].BoneId2 + 1
			weight2 = geosets[i].VertexWeights[v].Weight2
			boneId3 = geosets[i].VertexWeights[v].BoneId3 + 1 
			weight3 = geosets[i].VertexWeights[v].Weight3

			if (b == boneId1) then 
				skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod v boneId1 weight1
			else if (b == boneId2) then 
				skinOps.SetVertexWeights skinMod v boneId2 weight2
			else if (b == boneId3) then 
				skinOps.SetVertexWeights skinMod v boneId3 weight3
		-- apply the new bone weights
		update msh
	update msh

/* Clean up */
fFlush stream
fClose stream
/* Zoom into the selected model */
max zoomext sel all

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Re: Diablo III .app

Post by LUBDAR »

Thanks for the work on this script thus far. I was wondering if you had any pointers on some of the models. I've only tried a handful of the .app files and they work for the most part.
I'm trying to import the Male Barbarian files and have found ones from the main clientmpq named

but I can't import the In fact it seems that any of the "class_gender".app files don't seem to import. Am I looking in the wrong mpq?

I'm trying to import the helms and shoulder pads to look at the models of the different armor tiers.

any suggestions?

Once again, thanks for all the work thus far...
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